Posts Tagged ‘Highschool of the Dead’


(HotD ED1-12) Kurosaki Maon – H.O.T.D.

September 24, 2010

Blame school for my long bouts of inactivity.

Instead of doing Shoujo Byou like I said I’d do, I’m doing this album instead since it’s more likely to get me more hits. Call me shallow if you want, but my inactivity has made my hit counter slowly drop down. ;_; Read the rest of this entry ?


Kishida Kyoudan & the Akeboshi Rockets – HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD

August 18, 2010

I realized that it’s kinda unfair to rate singles on the same level of albums.  So I’m going to start being unnecessarily complicated and use a 5 point rating system rather than the 10 point system albums use. After all, singles have much smaller chances of screwing up than a full length album. Read the rest of this entry ?